
Braneshop is focused on improving the AI ecosystem, and making it a more inclusive and representative space. Our aim is to support people with their own goals and dreams within AI.

We want to see a world in which AI is used to create positive and inclusive social change.


Below are some videos from our recent events/workshops.

Watch on Vimeo - Post-Prediction Conference - 2020 - February 18, 2020

Watch on YouTube - Braneshop's Theory of Change, and The Living Business - February 9, 2020

Watch on YouTube - OC House - Meet The Tenants - December 1, 2019

Watch on Vimeo - AI For Leadership Workshop - Highlights - September 23, 2019

Watch on YouTube - How mych data do you really need for deep learning? - August 12, 2019

Watch on YouTube - Deep Learning in the Browser - May 1, 2019