Australian Human Rights Commission AI - Submission
At Braneshop we’re keen to see AI develop positively in our community. The rules and regulation around AI will play a key role in ensuring that the AI that is ultimately built and used ends up creating good community outcomes.
The Australian Human Rights Commission recently put out a call for consultation on AI - Governance and Leadership. The deadline for a submission is the 18th of March at 5pm (so there’s still time if you’re quick!)
Working with Martin and Sam at Northraine and other interested parties, we prepared a joint submission, which you can read here: Our HRC Submission.
One really important message regarding ethics and AI, that I’ve seen recently, comes from the following papers: The Ethics of AI Ethics – An Evaluation of Guidelines.
Quoting the author:
“Ethics is then no longer understood as a deontologically inspired tick-box exercise, but as a project of advancing personalities, changing attitudes, strengthen responsibilities and gaining courage to refrain from certain actions, which are deemed unethical. […] It should not be the objective of ethics to stifle activity, but to do the exact opposite, i.e. broadening the scope of action, uncovering blind spots, promoting autonomy and freedom, and fostering self-responsibility.” - Thilo Hagendorff
Emphasis mine.
This is a crucial and important thought when considereding any kind of “normative”, rule-based, punishment-driven acitivies, over those that enrich, embolden and allow for, and encourage, the growth of people and communities.