Posted on January 28, 2020 by Noon van der Silk | Back to recent posts

Post-Prediction Unconference!

Tags: announcement

We’re very excited to be co-orgainising the first “Post-Prediction” unconference next month, Feb 18th (a Tuesday).

The event was conceived while I was reading this book — The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff.

Notably, in the book, Shoshana brings up the problem of how we, as a society, will deal with the (coming, but also already present) motivations of behavioural change that “ultimately-predictive” abilities will give us.

So, this unconference is centered around this idea, with a particular focus/interest on:

Now, the event is running in an unconference style, and that means it will be entirely driven by those present. The focus will all be on engaging with each other, on topics that we agree upon on the day.

We have three (pretty big) rooms to work with, so there will be plenty of space to work together.

Roughly, the way it will work is, we write up on the whiteboard things we want to talk about, then talk about that!

To make things concrete, here’s some things I’m thinking I’d like to see/discuss:

Overall, I’m really very interested to see what the group discusses. It will be really exciting to get together as a community and have a think about this issue!

Hope to see you there!