Posted on December 13, 2019 by Esmeralda Garcia | Back to recent posts

What Happened In 2019 😯

Tags: announcement

We are in the middle of gatherings, celebrations and reflections.

Several things happened during the year and we want to share them with you:

What’s next?

Melbourne’s first Datathon for Social Good!

Use your creativity, communication and collaboration to solve an interesting data-related problem. They’re opportunities to try new things, learn from others, build connections — and have fun! Register today!

Melbourne Knowledge Week

We’re teaming up with a friend to bring you a probably strange and hopefully thought-provoking installation at MKW Hub!

Workshops in February

Start the next year with energy!

One thing we’re truly grateful for is the support from our community, partners and supporters. Thank you for being on this rewarding journey with us.

We sincerely hope you had an incredible year.