Posted on January 30, 2019 by Noon van der Silk | Back to recent posts

Thanks to Ren Imagery for our new logo!

Tags: announcement

We have a new logo! You can see it loud and proud at the top of every page; but here is it again:

I like the logo because conveys “brain-ness” with the wavey lines; perhaps it reminds you of your own brain. It also feels a bit “80s” and “fun” to me; a style that I’m well-known to love, and, of course, it’s amenable to funky bright colours.

Ren is a well-rounded and wonderful designer, and I don’t just say that because she’s a friend of mine. Here are some of the reasons why:

So, if you’re looking for any kind of design work, definitely get in contact with her over at Ren Imagery or on LinkedIn!